Sustainability Project

Final Photo:

    This is the finished project (well, as finished as it will be for this class) very unprofessionally photographed on the floor of my bedroom.

Progress Photos:

    This is the process of me sewing the diagonals through all of my squares. It was rather annoying because my thread kept snapping. I am unsure of the reason. Probably just cheap thread.

    This was the last green patch. It is not the same color as the other ones because I think my mother disposed of the spare fabric for my green Loki shirt. But since I wanted it to be somewhat coherent and not pure chaos, I got another old green shirt— part of my twin's Publix uniform— and sewed that into my old shirt blanket.
    The yellow squares have been added. I struggled with old materials to determine what color I should add that would not look horrendous. I ended up on yellow since it already appeared in the tiled Loki and Batman shirts. The material that I used was a rather soft leftover blanket material. I added this to keep that material from being wasted.

    At this point, I was struggling with determining where everything should go. I also noticed that I sewed things together in odd places. For instance, the Batman picture happened to line up while the Loki one did not. Since Batman was already lining up, I finished sewing this fabric swatches to make an undistorted image. The Loki one was still rather scattered, but I put it together anyways. It breaks up the image how I originally intended it to, so that was not a problem at all. 

Beginning this project:


    I have never made a quilt before, so this experience was very new for me. It definatly had a learning curve. I had to measure the squares a few times to make sure they were actually 5" by 5" because when the fabric would pull, it would change the measurements. 

This is an example of the way I would cut out the image of the original shirt. As you can see, this shirt is well worn and some of the print was rubbing off. That is why it is getting transferred into a blanket. This allowed me to keep from wasting old fabric.

Sewing the squares together could be a little bit of a challenge at times. Especially when it came to rethreading the sewing machine.

Success of Final Solution: (including what you would change if anything)

 Sustainability Project Ideas (Presented prior to the final solution)

How the Idea Developed:

Idea 1: Just make whatever is coming to mind

This is an impulsive art creation. So, it is going to be made with things I have and is not planned out. It will be made as a reflection of how chaotic art can be and is a project meant to be something that the maker enjoys. This art, of course, will be made from recycled fabrics. Partially form the thrift store. 

Idea 2:

Memory blankets! Reuse old shirts I won't be wearing anymore and make a blanket


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